What is health rosetta?

What is health Rosetta?

Health Rosetta is a framework and set of guiding principles for designing and implementing high-performance healthcare benefits plans. It was developed by Dave Chase, a health policy expert, to provide employers with a blueprint for creating more effective and affordable healthcare benefits for their employees.

The Health Rosetta framework is based on a set of principles that focus on transparency, accountability, and innovation in healthcare delivery. These principles include:

  1. Value-based benefits: Health plans should be designed to focus on value, with incentives that reward high-quality, cost-effective care.
  2. Personalized care: Employees should have access to personalized care and support that meets their unique health needs.
  3. Data-driven decision-making: Health benefits decisions should be based on reliable, transparent data to help employers make informed decisions and monitor plan performance.
  4. Provider collaboration: Employers should work collaboratively with healthcare providers to ensure that employees have access to high-quality care and appropriate referrals.
  5. Employee engagement: Employees should be engaged in their healthcare decisions and encouraged to be proactive in managing their health.
  6. Innovative financing: Health benefits plans should be designed to use innovative financing models that drive value and reduce costs.

The Health Rosetta framework is intended to provide employers with a roadmap for creating more effective and affordable healthcare benefits for their employees. By adopting these principles, employers can help ensure that their employees have access to high-quality, cost-effective care that meets their unique health needs.

Justin Leader, President of BenefitsDNA was the eighth advisor to join health Rosetta in 2016, now the Health Rosetta Advisers consist of hundreds across the country. Get in touch with Justin and his team and start working with these principles within your organization!

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